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Rails and Ties
Rails and Ties

Engineer Tom Stark (Kevin Bacon) kills a suicidal woman when his train slams into her car. Suspended from his job, he must confront his wife Megan's (Marcia Gay Harden) illness finally, but Megan announces she is going to leave him. Unexpectedly, the son (Miles Heizer) of the dead woman, arrives on the couple's doorstep and moves in with them.

Director: Alison Eastwood

Rails and Ties
Rails and Ties
Rails and Ties
Rails and Ties
Rails and Ties
Rails and Ties


Rails and Ties

Deleted Scene

Rails and Ties

Deleted Scene

Rails and Ties


Rails and Ties

Interview - HollywoodTV

Rails and Ties

Interview - Socialite Life

Rails and Ties

Interview - MovieWeb

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